Grayson is 3 months old!
I can't hardly believe how fast this little man has grown! He has been thru sooo much in the last little bit & I'm so glad hes healthy and happy and sooo sweet! Grayson was absolutely amazing at his 3 month session! Big brother wasn't very cooperative but usually at his age what kid is? Grayson was too busy being a camera hound to notice brother not wanting pictures! Thankfully we were able to capture a few! These two boys are absolutely precious! Very thankful for clients like their parents! 

Happy Last First Day of School to all the seniors waking up to an early alarm in the morning! This session was very exciting for me and of course not because he's family! Peyton will be graduating from Cabot High School this year! I'm so very proud of my sweet little cousin! :)
Now to all you seniors starting back to school! Don't wait to long, I have opening in my schedule for Fall Senior Sessions! The fall colors or gorgeous + lots of new locations makes Southern Belle Photography a great choice! :)

WOW! It is the end of JUNE! Who would of thought! I mean i can remember as a kid, school would start in August and it seemed like FOREVER until Christmas break. When it finally came it never snowed, and waiting on snow was like waiting on pigs to fly! However after Christmas it seemed like school would NEVER end!! I mean seriously when the last day finally came i was amazed & then summer was over in a blink of an eye! Now I'm an adult and im sitting here watching my one year old run around the living room! Grabbing toys and laughing and im thinking to myself where has this year gone! This year has literally been the BEST and the WORST year ever! I lot my grandpa back in April but this month i celebrated my baby girls first birthday! As I was snapping her cake smash session in the studio, I realized that things have changed so much in a year! It's been a whirl wind of weddings, babies and families and im so thankful for all the amazing oppourtunities to capture each clients moments. Time flying by for me makes me realize that i must not be the only one thinking wow! where has 2014 gone? So make sure you hug your kids, kiss your husband and book me for your family portraits! If you dont want to sweat, we have a full a/c running studio!!!

Think about a few things...
1) Your family changes constantly... if it be kids turning into teens, couples turning into parents, couples celebrating college for their kids, or grandchildren coming into the world. Your life is surrounded by change. Having your pictures  captured once a year helps to remember the year and all it brought to you! Snag a session for your newborn, for your 5 year old and in 10 years when they are young kids/teens you can look back and be happy that your captured these great moments! 

2) Your session price, it not includes your great quality photo, but your paying for much more. Your getting my full attention for your full session time. You also get my undivided attention during the editing process where i make sure you look fabulous, and that every photo captures the true essence of you!

3) Your walls are bare? You dont want to blow up a photo from a long time ago and put it as the main focal point of your home. Take a yearly photo to update your walls. Get a canvas to put over the mantel, Order some prints to hang in the hall way! We are a full service studio, we can take your photos and then send them to one of the BEST labs (MPIX). We offer some great prices for your fabulous SBP photos!

I'm so excited that your considering booking with us! Email us ASAP at to book your session!


I had absolute joy shooting this sweet sweet newborn! Grayson came into the studio only 5 days new! He is the spitting image of his older brother, however this time around we were able to capture some cute "posed" shots. With Jayden (the older brother) it wasn't going to happen! I'm so happy for this couple! I'm also very thankful to have such wonderful clients! :) It's a true blessing!
email me today at to get your newborn session booked!  Or any session your in need of! :)

What an absolute honor it has been to work with two amazing ladies who are making their dreams come true! I have been beyond blessed that Brittany & Beth picked me to be their photographer on this amazing adventure! These two are an amazing duo who have together opened this amazing boutique/salon in Bryant, AR. I grew up with Beth, I'm pretty sure we have known each other forever! Brittany I just met and she is so much like Beth I completely get why they mesh good! I'm so proud to be able to capture some amazing moments and some awesome clothes and jewelry that will be carried in "La Belle Vie Boutique Salon". The ladies in the salon are amazing as well! Today I had the honor of photographing their ribbon cutting with the Bryant Chamber of Commerce and of course their celebration party! Today Beth and her team made over Mayor Jill Dabbs. She looked FABULOUS! Check out these great photos from an eventful day and make sure you stop by and live the beautiful life! What an amazing journey we have started together! Cant wait for the future! :)


What a beautiful life we live, We get to wake day see the sunshine & think about all the amazing things in our life we have! While i know i'm as guilty as the next person about taking for granted. The things in life that are most important. However in all reaity is it not the amazing thing of getting to wake up and thank God for all our blessings. I must say, my amazing clients have stuck with me thru a loing pregnancy and surgery & I'm sooo thankful to have you guys! Photography really started as a fun thing to do with my cousin & it has expanded to an amazing studio in which i get to capture the moments in a families life they want to cherish! I'm very blessed! I'm also SUPER excited to shoot one of my ALL time favorite clients Ms.Rachael. I got to document Mr.Jayden during pregnancy & of course his newborn session! While it has been over a year now, I'm super excited to capture her 2nd pregnancy!! She is the cutest pregnant girl ever! While the like 4 foot difference in height between her & Chris is entertaining! I must say, hes a trooper! I cant wait for Grayson to get here either!!! Here are a few #tbt of Rachael & watch our blog for her session coming soon! :)

It's sooo hard for me to believe that 2014 is here, I'm still dating everying 2013! Wow! What a year! Now we are only 3 weeks away from valentines day! My head is just about to pop with all these great things going on! We are excited to announce out Valentines Mini Sessions will be on February 8! These are 30 min. sessions! We have two (2) super cute set ups this year. Including a solid red backdrop & a pretty darn cute love cloud! We hope to get you in & get your pictures to capture this years perfect valentines day! :))

Now just to brag a little, Miss Raygan is crawling & pulling up on EVERYTHING! We are going to have a walker in just a few short months! I'm so proud! However I think im pulling my hair out at how much she gets into now! WOW! I'm one proud momma tho that she wants to be right where I go! even if its in the kitchen with hot ovens & pans! :(

Wow! 2013 just flew by! We welcomed the beautiful Miss.Raygan Elizabeth on June 3! It was a beautiful experience & now we have the most spoiled daughter in all of Arkansas! We are so thankful everything went smooth & we delivered a healthy baby girl! Following her birth & getting into the swing of being a mother, We decided to launch our new design & our new name! Southern Belle Photography (formally Megan Thompson Photography), re-opened with a NEW studio & an added photographer! It has been a LONG journey getting here! However we were SUPER excited! Following out launch, Megan was placed in the hospital for emergency gallbladder removal! So everything has been put on hold! Well 2014 we are BACK! We are ready to get things rolling for all our wonderful clients! We have had a lot of repeats & a lot of wonderful people calling to check in on us this past year we have been kind of out of the loop! Make sure to watch our blog, our Facebook & our website for announcements, mini sessions & new things coming To {SBP}!!

About SBP

Southern Belle Photography - Central Arkansas Newborn, Baby, Seniors, Wedding, Family photography Southern Belle Photography is an on-location, natural light and in-studio photographers located in Benton and traveling in the Central Arkansas area. {SBP} specializes in-studio sessions, seniors, family, children and newborn photography.
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